Saturday, April 19, 2008

13.1 is a Long Way to Run!

Hello Everyone, I'm finally back to posting. I didn't have much to post about due to the fact, I wasn't running. On Thursday the 3rd of April, I got sick with what I thought was a cold. Now when I get colds its like a 2 day thing. I feel horrible the first day, than I cough up the crap the next. That didn't happen. I laid on the couch all weekend. Finally, on Monday I went to the Doctor. Doc said I had an Upper Respiratory Infection, a Sinus Infection and a touch of bronchitis. So I didn't run until Sunday the 13th.

Today is the 19th of April, and I finished my first Half Marathon. I made the decision to run on Wednesday after I ran 7 miles and felt good the whole day after. So, before my race in the month of April I had run a total of 14 miles. I went into today hoping just to finish and I wasn't even worrying about making my goal of under 2 hours. But I Finished in 1:58:06. So I'm very happy with my performance, but I can tell I haven't run much lately. My legs are KILLING ME!!!!!!!!! and I feel a little short of breath. But I'm doing good.

Unfortunately I realized shortly after I finished that in June. I'm gonna have to turn around and run back to the start, what a bummer!!!!!!


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

How is everyone? I'm know is been almost 2 weeks since the last post. I've been kinda slacking in the blogging department. But lets get caught up I ran a few days, took a couple of extra days off, and had to deal with the lovely Minnesota weather again. I just want it to be nice out so I can outside everyday and now worry about it.

Mostly I've been playing a lot of Xbox and doing a lot of sitting on my butt, but I still seem to be getting better on my runs. Now that you are caught up on my running, I hope everyone had a good Easter and I look forward to seeing all the Dobo's Next weekend. And Dave, you need to come over for a Guitar Hero/NHL 2008 Fix.

Talk to you all Soon..


Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday March 10th

It's been awhile since my last post, I'm getting kinda lazy. All the running I'm doing is making me just wanna lay around and do nothing. Lets "run" through the last couple of days.

Wednesday: 3 miles outside. It was a little slippery cause of the snow we got overnight, but it was great to run outside instead of the on the dang treadmill.

Thursday: I DID NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday: Everyone's favorite day but mine. It's long run day. 6 miles. I really didn't know how my body was gonna react to the extra mile. But, I made it and right at my 9 minute mile goal. So I celebrated by having a few barley pops with some friends. The first beers I've had since Feb. 23rd.

Saturday: 3 miles, before work. Only 3 miles turned into 2 miles. Because it was so dry outside I got a bloody nose. I get a lot of bloody noses so this really didn't surprise me. But I couldn't get it to stop so I walked the last mile home.

Sunday: Thank goodness for Daylight Savings Time. Now this it stays light out til about 7, I am able to get my run in outside AFTER I get home from work. Another pretty uneventful run... Finished with a 8.5 minute mile pace.

Monday: Today was awesome. I went and bought some new shoes, the ones I will be running the marathon in. They are comfy I wore them around the house all day. I didn't run in them because they are still a little stiff, I probably won't run in them til Friday. As for the run, another 6 miles. On Friday when I ran my 6 miles it took me 54 minutes and some odd seconds. Today I ran my 6 miles in 52 minutes and 8 seconds. I took off 2 minutes. That made me really happy. I picked a nice pace and pretty much kept that pace the whole time.

Now that we are all caught up, I'll try to blog more often

Until Then,


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday March 4th

Don't worry everyone who checks my blog everyday, I'M STILL ALIVE. Although after the first 3 days of actual training I am about ready to die.

Sunday was the first day of my training program. The program called for an easy 3 mile run. I was excited to get started and thought 3 miles is no big deal. But, the fact that I live in Minnesota made it fun. Nothing like running the first day in 25 degrees and misty/rainy conditions. The roads were a little slippery, I couldn't see out of my glasses, and the wetter you get the colder you feel. NO FUN!

Mondays = NO FUN. Nothing like a 5 mile to start the week. It was a little chilly to say the least. So I decided it was my best bet was to go to the gym. But, when I'm done running on the treadmill I always feel like I'm 80 when I'm done. I finished so I'm gonna be glad when its a little warmer and I don't have to run inside anymore.

Today, another 3 miles, inside at the gym. So right now, I'm sitting on the couch watching the wild and feeling about 90 years old today after 2 days of the treadmill.

Well Until Tomorrow Another 3 miles.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Last Day Before the Training Program starts

Today was a pretty easy day. 3 Miles in beautiful 30 degree weather. My goal for these shorter distances is to run between 8 and 9 minute miles, which is exactly what I did average 8min 20sec per mile. I feel really good my legs feel healthy. My abs are a little sore the 100 situps I do on the weekdays are starting to get to me.

Tomorrow my 16 week training program starts. When Dave was over on Tuesday he noticed that orginally I had the Intermediate Level Program. I decided against that and went with the novice program. So instead of 650 miles over 16 weeks, I only have to do about 570.

Until Tomorrow,


Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday Feb. 29

Today was an exciting day of running 5 miles on a treadmill. I was one of only 3 people in the entire gym, the only one on a Treadmill, bike, or Elliptical. The run went fine, no cramps, no soreness. I kept a nice steady pace, all and all a much better day than Wednesday.

Until tomorrow,


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 3

Day 3 was the absolute worst day for running ever. I was suppose to run 4 miles. It was 15 degrees with a 0 degree wind chill. But the weather was the least of my worries. I don't know what Dave did to me yesterday but my legs were not into it today. I could tell from the get go that it was gonna be a long, dreadful 4 miles. But I plugged away and at about the 3 miles mark I got the WORST CRAMP EVER, in my calf. I tried to stretch it out I got a cramp in my quad. So I limped my way to my door step. It was crappy, but hopefully that will be the one and only time it happens.

Thursday will be my favorite days of the coming weeks because they are OFF DAYS!!!!!!!!! Runners get excited about off days. Well People who pretend they are runners get excited about off days...i.e. ME!!!!!!!!!!!

Until another day,
